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Rahma is 19 and lives in the Hagadera camp in Dadaab

Rahma is 19 and lives in the Hagadera camp in Dadaab

Open Learning Exchange is working with our Somali partners at the Dagahaley, Hagadera and Ifo refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya, where Planet Learning has been in use for the past three years. During this time, the platform has been used by more than 5,000 young people within the Community Learning Centres that are run by UNHCR.  Rahma…

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Duale, a 20 year old youth living in the Ifo refugee camp told the Ifo team: “Open Learning Exchange has transformed my life, and brought hope world wide.”

Open Learning Exchange is working with our Somali partners at the Dagahaley, Hagadera and Ifo refugee camps in Dadaab, Kenya, where Planet Learning has been in use for the past three years. During this time, the platform has been used by more than 5,000 young people within the Community Learning Centres that are run by UNHCR.  Duale…

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Our Rights and Responsibilities

Every child has a right to a quality basic education.   From our beginning OLE has emphasized this right to education, found in Article 27 in the Declaration of Human Rights, however I now think this is a one-sided, seriously flawed statement. I now believe that every right should have responsibilities explicitly connected to it.  We…

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Follow the money

“Follow the money”, I was told in a recent discussion about OLE’s “business model”. That makes a lot of sense. It get it. One way or another we must to generate enough sustainable income to match sustainable expenses, with a bit more for a rainy day. However business models for satisfying basic human needs must meet multiple requirements. It is a fatal error to focus only on the financial balance sheet.

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Solutions Based Learning in Education

One of OLE’s goals is to promote the use of terms that carry with them connotations that increase their power and meaning. “Solutions Based Learning (SBL) is our latest promotion.  We like this term because it focuses the mind on the importance of developing and implementing solutions to problems rather than simply describing them. “Talk…

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OLE and IEA Announce Partnership Agreement

OLE and IEA Announce Partnership Agreement

The Open Learning Exchange (OLE) is proud to announce an exciting new partnership agreement with the International Education Association (IEA) in Lebanon. OLE and IEA are joining together across a number of program areas in the Middle East and North Africa beginning with our work at the Za’atari refugee camp in cooperation with UNHCR Innovation….

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How to Fix Schools for Everyone

It is exciting to see OLE’s Theory of Change, being implemented around the world, also working well in New Jersey. David Kirp, in the New York Times, Highlights the effectiveness of change in the Union City school system, compared with the different approach taken in Newark. OLE’s most recent implementation is the Tiger Girls program…

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Syrian Refugee Relief Fund of Global Giving provides $25,000 for the Tiger Girls

Global Giving’s Syrian Refugee Relief Fund has given $25,000 to the Tiger Girls program to support the training of 12 Syrian women coaches, provide 250 digital tablets, and allow 1,200 Tiger Girls to participate in team-based learning and quality education in the Zaatari Refugee Camp near the Syrian border in northwest Jordan. Please consider adding…

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A Fighting Chance

At dinner this evening in Beirut, the mother of my host family spoke of a conversation she had a few weeks ago with a Syrian widow with two boys, ages 8 and 10.  They had fled Syria but had not been able to get the papers needed that would enable them to stay in Lebanon. This…

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